4. Except to the extent to which spent convictions or clean slate laws provide relief from disclosure, within the last 5 years has:
a. the Applicant or an Associated Entity (or any director or person involved in the management of the Applicant or an Associated Entity), or
b. any business with which the Applicant or an Associated Entity (or any director or person involved in the management of the Applicant or an Associated Entity) has been associated
been charged or prosecuted for a breach of any law relating to:
Employment protection, wages protection, industrial obligations or industrial action, work health and safety, taxation or other revenue obligations (whether Federal, State, Territory or National), consumer protection or fair trading (including employment agency laws and licence conditions), human rights, discrimination, freedom of association, assault, harassment, or vilification, competition, slavery, human trafficking, exploitation or prostitution, deceptive recruiting for labour or services, servitude, debt bondage, forced marriage or forced labour of any kind, immigration, executive directors' and officers' duties under corporations or company law, fraud, deceit, dishonesty, theft, or corruption, secrecy, security, telecommunications, spam or privacy, sexual offences or anti-consorting measures (i.e. laws that make it an offence to hang out with or speak with habitual criminals or outlawed persons or groups).