Recruiters Association Malaysia

Corporate Registration

Company Registration
  • Create Your Account
  • Create Company
  • Company Derails
  • Category Selection
  • Business
  • Declaration


Please note you will receive a ID once your membership is approved. Your email address will be your username.

Company Contact Details

Company Contact Details


Please provide detailed CV or LinkedIn profile of an Executive Director, owner/operator or senior manager working within your organisation that has a minimum of 2 years’ relevant, recent and ongoing recruitment industry* experience; Consulting Certificate; 
OR proof of completion of a minimum HR undergraduate degree


Choose from up to seven of the following industries you specialise in

Business Functions

Choose the business services you offer

Corporate Membership Declarations

When answering the following questions, you are strongly encouraged to choose ‘would like to discuss’ if you are uncertain of the question and/or whether there is a need to disclose any particular matter. If you indicate that you would like to discuss a question, RAM will arrange for an interview to be conducted with you by RAM staff. The interview will be as confidential as the law allows noting that law enforcement, regulatory and justice administration bodies may have powers to compel the production of certain records; and RAM itself may have reporting obligations should it become aware of certain types of unlawful conduct.

1. For the purposes of the questions below "Associated Entity" means any entity or person with whom the Applicant is or has been associated by virtue of any share holding, membership, office holding, management position, consultancy or employment.

To the best of your knowledge, information and belief, and so far as you may lawfully be required and permitted to disclose, are you aware of any:

A) Charge or prosecution brought against the Applicant or an Associated Entity under any law regulating recruitment placement services providers, on-hire or labour hire providers either in Australia, New Zealand or another country?

B) Sanctions imposed on the Applicant or an Associated Entity by any body with lawful authority to impose sanctions under a responsibility to regulate or enforce professional standards in the employment services industry in Malaysia?

C) Complaint of unsatisfactory, unprofessional or unethical conduct made against the Applicant or an Associated Entity and accepted for investigation, hearing or determination under the procedures of any mandatory, voluntary, industry or association code for the regulation or enforcement of professional standards in the employment services industry or in any other industry, calling, or profession in Malaysia?

2. Are you aware of any circumstance that may give rise to any such charge, prosecution, sanctions or complaint?

3. Within the last 3 years has: 

a. the Applicant or an Associated Entity (or any director or person involved in the management of the Applicant or an Associated Entity), or 
b. any business with which the Applicant or an Associated Entity (or any director or person involved in the management of the Applicant or an Associated Entity) has been associated 
been declared insolvent or taken advantage of any law relating to insolvency?  

4. Except to the extent to which spent convictions or clean slate laws provide relief from disclosure, within the last 5 years has:

a. the Applicant or an Associated Entity (or any director or person involved in the management of the Applicant or an Associated Entity), or 

b. any business with which the Applicant or an Associated Entity (or any director or person involved in the management of the Applicant or an Associated Entity) has been associated 

been charged or prosecuted for a breach of any law relating to:

Employment protection, wages protection, industrial obligations or industrial action, work health and safety, taxation or other revenue obligations (whether Federal, State, Territory or National), consumer protection or fair trading (including employment agency laws and licence conditions), human rights, discrimination, freedom of association, assault, harassment, or vilification, competition, slavery, human trafficking, exploitation or prostitution, deceptive recruiting for labour or services, servitude, debt bondage, forced marriage or forced labour of any kind, immigration, executive directors' and officers' duties under corporations or company law, fraud, deceit, dishonesty, theft, or corruption, secrecy, security, telecommunications, spam or privacy, sexual offences or anti-consorting measures (i.e. laws that make it an offence to hang out with or speak with habitual criminals or outlawed persons or groups).

6. I declare and confirm that, as the nominated Executive Director/Company Secretary/Authorised Officer on behalf of the Applicant, that the Applicant will not engage any officer, employee or contractor in or about the performance of any employment service (as that term is outlined in the RAM Code for Professional ConductProfessional Conduct Grievance Intervention GuidelinesConstitution and By-Laws) unless reasonably satisfied that such person has first read and understood the RAM Code for Professional Conduct and has agreed not to act in any matter that may cause the Corporation to breach these obligations under them.

Membership Screening Authorisation

In making this application for membership, I understand and acknowledge that RAM will undertake screening and suitability checks into the Applicant’s background and that of its directors, officers and senior management – including in relation to the matters raised and answers that the Applicant has given. I warrant that RAM is authorised to collect, use and disclose the following identifying personal information of relevant persons, consistently with applicable privacy laws, for the purpose of undertaking such screening and suitability checks and provide the following identifying personal information for that purpose:

Statement of Commitment

In making this application for membership, I ask RAM to accept the Applicant’s commitment, which I am authorised to give and hereby give, that, guided by the RAM Code of Professional Conduct, The Applicant will conform its conduct to a standard that is becoming of a Member and so as not to prejudice the interests of RAM and I declare that all information provided in this application is true and correct.

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